Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
The Kingdom of God belongs to such as these, and our church belongs to our kids as well. We believe the best context for our keiki to learn about Jesus is in the family setting. That is why we prioritize family worship during our weekend services and honor age-appropriate learning during the sermon time for babies to 6th grade.
On the first weekend services of the month, we celebrate communion corporately, with our kids, before they go to Sunday school. All who are walking a life of faith in Jesus are welcome to partake in the Lord's Supper, including our children. If you would like guidance on your child taking communion, please contact the church or ask a pastor before the service.
On the first weekend services of the month, we celebrate communion corporately, with our kids, before they go to Sunday school. All who are walking a life of faith in Jesus are welcome to partake in the Lord's Supper, including our children. If you would like guidance on your child taking communion, please contact the church or ask a pastor before the service.
Awana is a Bible-based club for girls and boys ages 3 through high school. AWANA helps churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love, and serve Christ.

Every summer, our campus transforms into a scene from Scripture and takes children and leaders on an adventure into Truth and history!
We have many opportunities to serve with KCC Kids. From volunteering in the KCC Kids classrooms or helping with VBS, if Jesus is leading you to volunteer with us, please let us know and we will connect with you how to get involved.
F.A.Q. about kcc kids
We are serious about leading your children to Jesus in a safe and engaging environment. Read below for answers to frequently asked questions.
Who teaches my children?
All Sunday School classes are taught by church members who volunteer their time in our KCC Kids ministry. All teachers complete a background check, and receive training on kid safety, classroom management, curriculum instruction, and Gospel presentation and salvation counseling. Our teachers love Jesus and love children and share our commitment to grow our children into deeper relationship with Christ through Biblical understanding and relationship with other Christians.
What do my children learn?
KCC Kids classes are taught using The Gospel Project for Kids curriculum." The Gospel Project provides a Christ-centered, chronological journey through Scripture that covers the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, in three-year cycles. The Gospel Project seeks to teach kids that the Bible is more than a collection of stories, that includes God’s unified story of redemption of humanity. This is done by reading both the Old and New Testaments as Christ-centered, while using Big Picture Questions and Answers to help kids understand essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith. You can find more information on The Gospel Project for Kids here.
Do I need to register my child to attend Sunday School?
In order to best keep our kids safe and share Jesus' love with them, you'll need to register your kids for their class. You can check in your child at the tent by the children's ministry building before service or when the children are released to Sunday School after the children's sermon. Advance registrations are not needed.